Customize per email account - select each email account to set a custom signature. Default - Set a default signature that is applied to all of your email accounts. You have two options when creating or editing your signature: Note: Setting a Default signature will be applied to all email accounts that do not have a custom Greeting and Signature.Ĥ.) Tap on the dropdown to select the account you wish to customize. 1.) Tap on More (.) in the lower right of your screen on mobile (iOS/Android) and lower left on .ģ.) Tap on Mail Settings to expand the section. You can edit your email signature and greeting in Mail Settings.
The designer is a signature builder that offers the most amount of design and customization flexibility.įor a customized HTML email signature recommend using the designer option to quickly build a custom signature using images, a variety of layouts, and images (like your picture or company logo).Įach email account you connect to Cloze can have a unique email signature.
Designer - use Cloze's designer to create a richly formatted custom signature with a variety of layouts. HTML - use simple formatting options like bold, italic, colors, fonts, and other styles to create a signature or paste in your own HTML. There are three ways to create a signature. Press and hold until you see a pop-up box and paste your HTML signature here.Does Cloze support customized HTML email signatures with images?Ĭloze's email signature designer lets you create a signature with a wide variety of design options. Select General Settings, check that the Use Signature Setting is ticked, and then tap Signature. Open your native app and tap on the Menu button, and choose Settings. When you open the email, press and then hold over the text of your new signature. Send an email with your signature to the account you have set up on your Samsung device. Copy and paste this into a web-based email such as Outlook or Gmail. To add HTML email signatures using the native app, follow the below manual process: When managing email signatures for your business, there are many factors you need to consider, such as:įurthermore, although each employee’s signature must have their correct personalised details, they must also be tamper-proof to ensure brand consistency across your business. However, if you want to apply a Samsung Galaxy signature to your company emails that are sent by hundreds, maybe even thousands of your employees, it can be a good idea to get professional ones created for you using our handy email signatures creator and editor tool. If you only need to know how to create a signature footer for email on a Samsung device for yourself, then the above guide is all you need. HTML Signatures for Businesses on Android Device